www.cardinales-security.com is a web site with exclusively informative purpose, whose objective is to present the activity of the company. All the information available on the site has a strictly indicative nature. It is not a Transaction Site. Any information can be modified without advance notice by CARDINALES Security. The information available on this site shall not engage the responsibility of CARDINALES Security in any case. The information appearing on the site cannot be used by a person or an entity in a country or a jurisdiction where this use would be against the rules and regulations, or would impose to CARDINALES Security to conform with the legal obligations of these countries. French is used as official language of the site. It is subjected to the French law and to the competence of the French jurisdictions.


This whole site is the property of CARDINALES Security. The developed databases are the exclusive property of CARDINALES Security. The contents of this site are protected by the current laws in the field of the Intellectual property and in the field of the copyright. It is subjected to the article L.122-4 of the intellectual property law. Any reproduction or unauthorized communication of the information contained in this site is forbidden. Under Acts L.122-5.2 ° and 3°a, the intellectual property law only authorizes, on one hand, copies or reproductions strictly reserved for the private use of the copyist, not intended for a collective use and, on the other hand, analysis or short quotations in a purpose of example and illustration. Any representation or complete or partial reproduction made without the consent of the author, his legal successors or assigns is illicit (art. L. 122-4). Such representation or reproduction, whatever process is used for it, would thus constitute a forgery sanctioned by articles L. 335-2 and following of the intellectual property Law. The user of CARDINALES Security web site commits himself to respect the intellectual property rules of the various contents proposed in the site, namely: not to reproduce, to summarize, to modify, to alter, to re-run, without prior authorization of CARDINALES Security, any article, title, application, software, logo, brand, information, illustration or photography for a use other than strictly private, what excludes any reproduction for professional purposes or for distribution.


According to the Act n°2004-575 of June 21st, 2004 about the Confidence in the Digital Economy, we inform you that the web site https://www.cardinales-security.com is the property of CARDINALES Security. CARDINALES Security is a joint-stock company with a capital of 10,000 euros whose registered office is at 11, rue Saint Augustin 75002 PARIS.
Registration number (SIRET): 832 913 453 000 11