“Real wealth are the methods,”

Friedrich Nietzsche.

Coming from the Latin “qualis talis”, that is to say “as it stands”, the word “quality” describes a way of being. Audit and quality are closely related.

Indeed, the initial purpose of the security audit consists in assessing the existing features of a site in terms of human, technical and organisational devices, in order to identify the vulnerabilities and to estimate its efficiency. Once this first step was realized, leaning on a proven methodology, pragmatic recommendations adapted to the context of the concerned entity (threats, risks, budgetary constraints …) are provided. Having critical thinking, the CARDINALES SECURITY auditor sticks to Sun Tzu philosophy asserting that the man “who excels in solving difficulties can solve them before they arise”.

To fight against the financial delinquency which can be either internal or external fraud, CARDINALES Security specialised experts intervene effectively in counter money laundering (prevention, detection, investigation).

One of the main virtues of the security audit lies in the capability to reduce your vulnerability and, therefore, to protect effectively your staff as well as your tangible and intangible assets. CARDINALES Security offers a support adapted to your problem, with complete confidentiality.

To contact us

Let’s develop jointly, with passion and serenity.

Our experts are pleased to provide you with relevant reply for any request.